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    Clip Description

    Two daughters of an ex-Senator who is now doing diplomatic missions overseas hand around the house in their bra and panties talking about how much fun they are having. The two talk briefly about Genetica's boyfriend and how crazy he is. He and his Russian mafia brothers are always trying to do crazy stuff, but now one of his friends finds out and wants to collect some files he can sell to the KGB. He sneaks in the door after disarming the alarm. As the two sisters watch TV he sneaks up on them and screws the silencer on to his pistol. He has a camo backpack, leather gloves, and is dressed head to toe in black. He alerts them of his presence, holding the gun on them steady as they huddle together stressing out. He waves them over to the hallway on the floor so he can see their eyes better. He asks them which one is the daughter, and when Jolene speaks up saying, "I am". the mafia hitman gets pissed knowing she is lying to him. He orders one sister to remove her clothing as he holds the gun on the other. After she disrobes, he calls them out for lying and shoots the youngest daughter in the breast, knocking her down to the floor grimacing and clutching her huge bleeding wound. The oldest sister drops down to her sister crying and screaming "why, why?" After he asks again and there is no response the hit man pops a slug between the bleeding sister's eyes. She jolts back and goes wide eyed and still, then blood trickles from her head wound and breast. The older sister is hysterical and after he asks her again where the files are, this time she points to the hall way and says, "they are in the filing cab...." thwerp from the silencer to her brain, right between the eyes and she fall to the floor like a bag of turnips, dead and wide eyed. He looks them both over to make sure there are no issues, and he knows they are dead so he heads to the filing cabinet unscrewing his silencer. The bodies are viewed and panned while he gets his files and leaves. The two sexy gals lay on the hard wood floor dead, wide eyed, and still.

    Starring: Genetica, Jolene Hexx
    Keywords: Shooting

    Clip Duration:      8 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4720.23 MB

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Scene 2:
The Long Trip...

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Scene 3:
No Sick Days...

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Scene 4:
Slip poker....

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Starring: Coco, Awesome, Belle Fatale
Keywords: Shooting

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